Tanmoy Goswami

Founding editor : Sanity by Tanmoy & lived-experience advocate

Área de especialización
Salud mental en el trabajo
Encuentra a Tanmoy Goswami en:

“Hope isn’t an emotion, you know? Hope is not optimism. Hope is a discipline… we have to practice it every single day.” - Mariame Kaba Tanmoy Goswami is a user-survivor, lived experience advocate, and independent mental health journalist based in New Delhi, India. After completing his Master’s in English Literature, Tanmoy pursued a future in journalism. His early career began as a business journalist at Fortune India magazine and an associate editor at The Economic Times Prime. In 2019, he joined The Correspondent, an Amsterdam-headquartered, reader-funded media company as the world’s first Sanity correspondent. His areas of expertise include mental health at work, suicide prevention and media literacy. Having gathered vast experience in the field, Tanmoy ventured into independent journalism as the founding editor of Sanity by Tanmoy, a platform dedicated to politics, economics and the culture of mental health in India. Since its launch, the platform has built a family of over 1,400 subscribers globally. Tanmoy is the co-author of a paper on suicide prevention in India (The Lancet Psychiatry) and a contributing author to a book on leadership lessons during the coronavirus pandemic (Routledge, UK). He is currently writing a book with Penguin Randomhouse India on the Indian mental health movement.

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